2.2 What’s New

2.2.1 Changes in 1.6 Since 1.5

Testing Support

A new testing support library is now provided. See Section 3.3, “Testing Support” for more information.

Namespace Changes

Connection Factory

It is now possible to add a thread-factory to a connection factory bean declaration, for example to name the threads created by the amqp-client library. See Section 3.1.2, “Connection and Resource Management” for more information.

Queue Definitions

It is now possible to provide a naming strategy for anonymous queues; see the section called “AnonymousQueue” for more information.

Listener Container Changes

Idle Message Listener Detection

It is now possible to configure listener containers to publish ApplicationEvent s when idle. See the section called “Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers” for more information.

Mismatched Queue Detection

By default, when a listener container starts, if queues with mismatched properties or arguments were detected, the container would log the exception but continue to listen. The container now has a property mismatchedQueuesFatal which will prevent the container (and context) from starting if the problem is detected during startup. It will also stop the container if the problem is detected later, such as after recovering from a connection failure. See Section 3.1.14, “Message Listener Container Configuration” for more information.

AutoDeclare and RabbitAdmins

See Section 3.1.14, “Message Listener Container Configuration” (autoDeclare) for some changes to the semantics of that option with respect to the use of RabbitAdmin s in the application context.

AmqpTemplate: receive with timeout

A number of new receive() methods with timeout have been introduced for the AmqpTemplate and its RabbitTemplate implementation. See the section called “Polling Consumer” for more information.


A new AsyncRabbitTemplate has been introduced. This template provides a number of send and receive methods, where the return value is a ListenableFuture, which can be used later to obtain the result either synchronously, or asynchronously. See the section called “AsyncRabbitTemplate” for more information.

RabbitTemplate Changes

1.4.1 introduced the ability to use Direct reply-to when the broker supports it; it is more efficient than using a temporary queue for each reply. This version allows you to override this default behavior and use a temporary queue by setting the useTemporaryReplyQueues property to true. See the section called “RabbitMQ Direct reply-to” for more information.

Message Properties


The correlationId message property can now be a String. See the section called “Message Properties Converters” for more information.

Long String Headers

Previously, the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter "converted" headers longer than the long string limit (default 1024) to a DataInputStream (actually it just referenced the LongString's DataInputStream). On output, this header was not converted (except to a String, e.g. java.io.DataInputStream@1d057a39 by calling toString() on the stream).

With this release, long LongString s are now left as LongString s by default; you can access the contents via the getBytes[], toString(), or getStream() methods. A large incoming LongString is now correctly "converted" on output too.

See the section called “Message Properties Converters” for more information.

RabbitAdmin Changes

Declaration Failures

Previously, the ignoreDeclarationFailures flag only took effect for IOException on the channel (such as mis-matched arguments). It now takes effect for any exception (such as TimeoutException). In addition, a DeclarationExceptionEvent is now published whenever a declaration fails. The RabbitAdmin last declaration event is also available as a property lastDeclarationExceptionEvent. See Section 3.1.9, “Configuring the broker” for more information.

@RabbitListener Changes

When using Java 8 or later, it is now possible to add multiple @RabbitListener annotations to @Bean classes or their methods. When using Java 7 or earlier, you can use the @RabbitListeners container annotation to provide the same functionality. See the section called “@Repeatable @RabbitListener” for more information.

Delayed Message Exchange

Spring AMQP now has first class support for the RabbitMQ Delayed Message Exchange plugin. See Section 3.1.10, “Delayed Message Exchange” for more information.

2.2.2 Earlier Releases

See Section A.2, “Previous Releases” for changes in previous versions.